How to Make Your Profile Stand Out

Your profile is the first thing that a Member sees, and their first impression of your skills, passion, and personality. It can make or break whether you are selected for a mission. So how do you make sure your profile is up to scratch? Well, buckle in, because we are here to help!

A Stellar Profile Check-List

Proofread Your Grammar & Spelling

Firstly, in order to make an awesome impression, make sure that you double-check your grammar and spelling. Or ask a friend to do so for you!

Select a Friendly Profile Picture

Choose a headshot in which you are smiling, look friendly and maybe even doing something that you love, such as cooking or hanging out at the beach! Do not choose a photo in which you are wearing sunglasses, frowning, or in swimwear.

Customise Your 'About Me'

The “About Me” is the most important part of your profile. We recommend that this section is at least a paragraph in length, and includes your passions, skills and a bit about your personality. For example, you can write about what you do when you are not a Hero, any sports that you play, and activities that you enjoy. Some Heroes also like to include information about their previous experiences, or their career aspirations.

Regularly Update Your Availability

This point is also extremely important! Make sure that your availability is updated on a weekly basis, so that Members are not messaging you when you are not able to work. If you are at capacity, please set your profile to unavailable.

Include Relevant Qualifications

A lot of our Members are looking for specific experience. Whether it is experience or qualifications in horticulture, fashion, an Olympic Gold Medal or a degree in physics, make sure to include it!

Mention First & Second Languages

Make sure to include all language ability. Whether you are a beginner or advanced, it assists our Members in knowing whether you will be the right fit.

Awesome Hero Profiles


